About Administration in Kullu
Earlier Kullu was a part of Kangra District and Lahaul and Spiti were part of Kullu for administrative purpose. Lahaul-Spiti became a separate district in 1960 and then in 1963 Kullu became a separate district but was part of Punjab. In 1966, 1st November, Kullu became part of Himachal Pradesh and was given the status of a separate district. Various departments were restructured and formed in order to handle the administration of Kullu in a much better way. Municipal Council of Kullu
Roads, drainage system, water supply, construction of public toilets, parks & gardens, construction of community halls, street lights, looking after the water bodies, sanitation, birth & death registration, tax collection etc. are some of the important functions of Kullu Municipal Council. Kullu Municipal Council works under the Directorate of Urban Development Himachal Pradesh.Jails in Kullu
Director General of Prisons (HP) is the head of Department of Prisons. He is responsible for supervising and controlling all the prisons located in Himachal Pradesh State including the one in Kullu. Out of 14 jails located in the state, Kullu District has the sub-jail. Inmates kept here are given facilities like education and vocational & skill development trainings so that afterwards, they are able to earn their livelihood.
Products like carpets, rugs, handicraft items etc. are sold at various fairs where stalls are especially setup for these items prepared by prisoners.
Deputy Commissioner of Kullu
Deputy Commissioner of Kullu used to be known as District Collectorate. He is the administrative head of the district and is helped by other officers like ADC, Assistant Commissioners and others. Here is name and contact information of Deputy Commissioner of Kullu. Deputy Commisioner of Kullu ensures that implementation of various policies and programs of State and Central Government is done in the district. He is supposed to look after law and order of the district provide relief for any kind of natural calamity. Elections of Urban Local bodies, Panchayat samities, zila parishads and MPs and MLAs are also looked after by the Deputy Commissioner Kullu.Contact Person
Shri Rakesh Kanwar
Deputy Commissioner Kullu
Phone No.: 01902 222 727 / 01902 222 726
Email Id.: [email protected]
DRDA in Kullu
DRDA or District Rural Development Agency is responsible for taking initiatives to alleviate the problems of people living below poverty line. In Kullu, DRDA is taking up many initiatives so that people below poverty line could get benefitted from these schemes or initiatives. DRDA works under the rural ministry of Central Government. Indira Awas Yojna, BPL Lists etc. belong to these initiatives.Project Officer of DRDA Kullu
Dr. Suresh Jaiswal
Phone No.: 9418 063 365 / 01902 222 296
Email Id.: [email protected]
Courts in Kullu
In the state of Himachal Pradesh, there are 11 session divisions and Kullu Sessions Division is one of them. The court complex of Kullu District is located in the center of the town. After Kullu became an independent district in the year 1966, circuit court used to get held at Kullu from 1968 by the District & Session Judge of Kullu, Lahaul-Spiti and Mandi. The Additional District & Sessions Judge Court that used to function at Kullu became District & Sessions Court for Lahaul-Spiti and Kullu Districts. Since 2003, Kullu also has a fast track court of Presiding Officer. Another court at Kullu which was there since 1970, the Sr. Sub Judge/Chief Judicial Magistrate is now given the status of Civil Judge/Chief Judicial Magistrate.
Contact Persons
Sri Purendar Vaidya
District & Sessions Judge Kullu
Phone No.: 01902 224 378 / 01902 224 360
Law and Order in Kullu
Kullu District Police is responsible for looking after the law and order of the entire district. The superintendent of Police is the person who heads law & order of Kullu District. Apart from looking after general law & order, traffic control, relief during emergency situations like riots, accidents, natural calamities etc. are also taken care of well by Kullu Police. Here is the important phone numbers of Kullu Police.Superintendent of Police
Kullu District
Phone No.: 01902 224 700 (O) / 01902 224 455(Control Room)
Email Id.: [email protected]
Website: www.kullupolice.in
Important Links of Kullu
Kullu being a very popular tourist spot of Himachal Pradesh has all the essential services offered to its residents and the tourists who come here to enjoy the natural beauty of the valley and have some days of leisure amongst nature. It is important to know all the important links of Kullu so that your temporary or permanent stay in Kullu has no glitches.
Kullu Tourism
Tourism Information Kullu
Tourist Information Center Kullu
Tourism and Civil Aviation Department
HPTDC Office Kullu
Kullu Services
Kullu Police
Kullu Fire Services
Kullu Gas Services
Banks in Kullu
Hospitals in Kullu
Kullu Pharmacies
Kullu Government Offices
National Informatics Center Kullu
District Industries Center Kullu
Deputy Commissioner Kullu
Disaster Management Manali